



但这仍然给我们留下了很多关于奥库卢斯视力的问题。裂谷的双摄像头运动跟踪设置与它的终极“房间规模”体验相比如何?如果你可以得到一个独立的耳机没有电线,你为什么会想要一个裂缝呢?“增强虚拟现实”是阿布拉什最新颖的预言之一,这是怎么回事?因此,我们向Oculus首席执行官布伦丹·伊里贝(Brendan Iribe)询问了所有这些,以及更多的事情。这是他告诉我们的。


默认的Oculus Touch软件包包括一个跟踪摄像头,总共两个摄像头,可以跟踪360度的运动。但要获得“房间级虚拟现实”(HTC Vive所鼓吹的),你必须再加上一台单独**的相机。以下是Iribe的区别:

When we think of room-scale, we really want to make sure it tracks a pretty large area, and to do that well we do need three sensors. The 360 that we talked about is for a **aller space where you're not walking all around your room, you're just standing on one place kind of moving around, taking **all steps, but you can do that with two sensors.


I think most people will design for front-facing and 360, because that's where there will be most of the hardware, especially with Sony now in the game. [...] At the end of the day, developers want to get to as many people as possible. So we do expect there'll be a lot of people in VR on things like PlayStation VR [...] and while it's not at the quality level of Rift and other PC VR, [like] Vive and other platforms, it is good enough, I think, for a lot of people to jump into VR.

And I think a lot of developers are going to want to target all of these different VR devices. They're going to need to target all of these to stay in business while this is an early market.




I think there's always going to be a very big PC VR market that's going to get as close to the Holodeck as you can get. Every generation it moves forward, because there's no substituting or competing against a powered plugged-in GPU and CPU. [...] On the mobile side, with Gear VR, you have a price point where you're down in this hundred-dollar range, or it was free with your preorder or your purchase of your phone. That also is really hard to compete against.

另一方面,一个独立的Oculus耳机的价格介于Rift和Gear VR的价格之间,Iribe承诺它将非常容易使用——“你不需要把****去,也不需要把它**电脑,你只要把它放在头上,它就可以打开,只要你一直充电就行。”


Rift现在可以与更便宜的电脑和更多的笔记本电脑配合使用,因为它有一种叫做asynchronous spacewarp的功能,这种功能(广义地说)可以让电脑每秒渲染45帧,但在耳机中显示的速度是原来的两倍。但理想情况下,Oculus仍然希望你拥有一台非常好的电脑。

I think there's some confusion about that. We didn't change our recommended spec. [...] You can tell the difference. If I gave you a recommended spec machine and a min-spec machine and you tried the experience, you'd be able to tell the difference. The recommended spec experience would be better. But instead of not running on a lower-end machine, or instead of running on a lower-end machine at really low resolution, we now have this experience where it looks good. [It] doesn't look as good — almost, but not as good — but it still looks great. And opens it up to more hardware."




What we probably won't do is incremental, **all updates to Rift. What we'll look to do is make the next major leap. We want to bring a whole new feature set to Rift in the future. [...] I think the majority of the [VR headset] market wants to now go out and get a lot of great content, and get a lot of great experiences. And then look at, a few years from now, taking a leap to the next generation of VR. And that's what we're really looking at.


但是最流行的笔记本电脑之一:苹果的MacBook系列呢?Oculus联合创始人帕尔默·勒基(Palmer Luckey)曾表示,公司正在等待苹果“永远发布一台好电脑”。但Iribe认为,一体式耳机将超越这一问题。

When you think about laptop owners, especially MacBook owners, I do think that class of customer is probably going to be better served by the standalone category. Just the nature of Apple users, they have these single products that they use. I think that they're less likely to be tethering their VR headset to their laptop, and they're more likely to just have this all-in-one headset you put on and it just works.


有几家公司正在生产自给自足的、可穿戴的电脑,以便在虚拟现实中无需线缆就可以四处走动。但值得注意的是,这些只适用于HTC Vive或定制跟踪系统,因为Rift的外部摄像头必须直接**PC。事实证明,Oculus对此并不太担心。

Our vision for backpack-scale is an all-in-one headset where you don't need a backpack. I don't want to wear a backpack when I'm in VR, I just want to put on a headset. When you look at some of these companies that are doing warehouse-scale [VR], actually the tracking precision that they get is not that great, usually, in that big of an environment.

Inside-out tracking is going to get much better resolution and tracking quality than any of those warehouse-scale systems, and those warehouse-scale systems can get really expensive and require lots of different equipment. And inside-out just is a headset and some kind of input device and that's it, and it will magically all work. And it will be very affordable.


多年来,人们(包括Facebook的马克•扎克伯格)一直在预测一种眼镜浪潮,这种眼镜可以在呈现完整的虚拟世界和在真实世界上投影图像之间进行切换。伊里贝似乎不那么肯定。”虚拟现实和增强现实将是两个截然不同的类别。正如阿布拉什在演讲中所详述的那样,他说我们更有可能拥有“增强的虚拟现实”(augmented virtual reality)——完全在虚拟现实中重新创造现实世界,然后添加或改变其中的一部分——而不是超现实全息图。

It might be augmented virtual reality, where you put on this Rift, this pair of VR goggles, and you can actually see the real world just the way it is here, but it's all rendered in 3D. We definitely don’t look the way we do right now in real life; we'll look like 3D characters, or we'll look like some kind of depth map of dots. We'll look good, but not at this resolution.

对于Iribe来说,最大的问题是,要创建一个完全适合现实世界的对象(就像增强现实公司Magic Leap承诺的那样)比创建一个由你控制的整个环境更困难。

You can very quickly tell if something's real or not in AR. I think it'll look good; I think whether it's HoloLens or somebody else, I think they can make an object look good. But you'll be able to tell it's not real.

  • 发表于 2021-05-08 04:11
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  • 分类:互联网


你现在可以花499美元买一台oculus ready pc

虚拟现实即将变得更加实惠。不,Oculus Rift本身并没有得到(迫切需要的)降价,但是能够为Oculus供电的更便宜的计算机现在正在路上。你只需花499美元就能买到一台Oculus Ready PC。讨价还价。 ...

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...us拥有超过1亿美元的资金,它不再仅仅是为市场准备一款虚拟现实耳机。Oculus Rift背后的公司已经意识到它需要构建一个完整的虚拟现实平台。Oculus之前告诉我们,它将用其中的一部分资金来帮助甚至资助那些冒险使用未经验证...

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oculus investor称facebook收购就像“谷歌2005年收购android”

Facebook今天宣布以20亿美元现金和股票收购虚拟现实达人Oculus Rift。这笔交易让很多人摸不着头脑:Oculus一直专注于高端游戏应用,Facebook在这个市场几乎没有经验。

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索尼vs facebook:为你的现实而战才刚刚开始


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...的目标守口如瓶。这笔钱将帮助Oculus建造更便宜、更好的虚拟现实耳机,而Facebook将有机会领导下一个大型计算平台。不过,Oculus首席执行官布伦丹•伊里贝(Brendan Iribe)刚刚对TechCrunch Disrupt的一位听众说,两人有一个崇高的可...

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 当我们第一次看到约翰·卡马克(johncarmack)的版本《奥库鲁斯裂谷》(Oculus Rift)时,它正在播放《末日3》(Doom 3)的副本。但随着时间的推移,开发者意识到晕车...

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马克•扎克伯格(mark zuckerberg)希望以“尽可能低的成本”为消费者oculus rift定价

Oculus希望将虚拟现实纳入主流,但其高管充分认识到,一夜之间不会有任何事情发生。在接受Ars Technica采访时,该公司首席执行官布伦丹•伊里贝(Brendan Iribe)表示,他预计该公司的首款消费品销量将“仅在100万台之北”。伊...

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...lus宣布了一款名为新月湾(Crescent Bay)的新原型,这是其虚拟现实耳机向消费者版迈出的又一步。”Oculus首席执行官布伦丹•伊里贝(Brendan Iribe)在谈到Rift开发工具包的前两个版本时说:“这是我们从DK1到DK2的一个巨大飞跃。...

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