行为主义(behaviorism)和认知心理学(cognitive psychology)的区别


行为主义的主要区别(main difference behaviori**) vs. 认知心理学(cognitive psychology)

Behaviori** and Cognitive psychology are two movements in psychology which are used to explain human behavior. However, they are often confused by many people due to the very thin borderline which differentiates one from the other. The main difference between behaviori** and cognitive psychology is that behaviori** is based on the fact that human behavior is decided by the experiences one has had as c***equences to various similar acti*** whereas cognitive psychology is based on the fact that humans have the capability to process and ****yze various information in their mind.行为主义(behaviori**)和认知心理学(cognitive psychology)的区别




There are two types of Behaviori** described in general psychology, namely, Classical behaviori** and Operant conditioning. Classical behaviori** is mainly based on a theory where a neutral signal is placed before a reflex, creating the desired outcome. This generally explains involuntary or automatic resp***es of an individual. Operant conditioning, which mainly targets describing the strength or weakness of voluntary behaviors, also explains how behavior changes following reinforcement or punishment.行为主义(behaviori**)和认知心理学(cognitive psychology)的区别

什么是认知心理学(cognitive psychology)?

This is a subcategory of psychology which explains how internal mental processes define an individual’s personality, memory, the ability of thinking logically, problem-solving and speech. Cognitive psychology has the basic assumption that humans have the capability to process and ****yze various information in their mind. It does not rely on visible behavior but focuses more on the process of thoughts behind it. Additionally, cognitive behavior is known to be a reaction to behaviori** according to some psychologists.行为主义(behaviori**)和认知心理学(cognitive psychology)的区别

行为主义(behaviori**)和认知心理学(cognitive psychology)的区别










Image Courtesy:

“Cognitive Psychology” By Jtneill – Own work (Public Domain) via Comm*** Wikimedia 

“心理行为主义”作者:Tekks–英文维基百科(CC By-SA 3.0)通过Comm*** Wikimedia

  • 发表于 2021-06-28 00:54
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  • 分类:健康医疗


认知(cognitive)和行为心理学(behavioral psychology)的区别

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认知科学(cognitive science)和心理学(psychology)的区别

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社会认知理论(social cognitive theory)和行为主义(behaviorism)的区别


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...研究人员和数据分析人员与社会学有关。 什么是心理学(psychology)? Psychology, by definition, is the scientific study of human mind and its functi***, specifically those that affect human behaviour. It also studies the processes and complexities in the human mind that influence...

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行为(behavioral)和认知学习理论(cognitive learning theories)的区别

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行为主义(behaviourism)和认知心理学(cognitive psychology)的区别

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什么是心理学中的行为主义?(behaviorism in psychology?)

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