





In weighing whether to disclose the incident, the company c***idered “whether we could accurately identify the users to inform, whether there was any evidence of misuse, and whether there were any acti*** a developer or user could take in resp***e,” he said. “None of these thresholds were met here.”

正如我的同事拉塞尔·布兰登(Russell Brandom)在一篇好文章中指出的那样,这不是法律意义上的“违约”。有充分的理由不要求公司在没有任何证据表明其被利用的情况下,在每次发现简单漏洞时都公开披露(其中最主要的是:它可以激励他们不再那么努力地寻找

After Facebook’s painful fall from grace, the legal and the cybersecurity arguments seem almost beside the point. The contract between tech companies and their users feels more fragile than ever, and stories like this one stretch it even thinner. The concern is less about a breach of information than a breach of trust. Something went wrong, and Google didn’t tell anyone. Absent the Journal reporting, it’s not clear it ever would have. It’s hard to avoid the uncomfortable, unanswerable question: what else isn’t it telling us?

谷歌可能会为此数据曝光付出代价(州检察长对此很感兴趣。美国弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员马克·华纳(Mark Warner)称这一掩盖行为“相当离谱”

然而,谷歌似乎在周二的舞台上对所有这些担忧不屑一顾,当时谷歌高管似乎宣布了公司秋季硬件阵容。有一款新**,一款平板电脑,还有一款Echo Show和Facebook门户网站的竞争对手,它的与众不同之处在于省去了摄像头。









有时候,一家公司错过了一个趋势,并永远后悔。在谷歌+(Google+)的案例中,我怀疑许多高管希望该公司完全避免建立一个真正的社交网络。大卫·比托(David Byttow)曾参与该项目,目前在Snap工作,他这样说:“作为一名技术领导者和Google+的创始成员,我对Google sunsetting的唯一想法是。。。最后。”



凯文·鲍尔森(Kevin Poulsen)和斯宾塞·阿克曼(Spencer Ackerman)有一个很棒的故事问:为什么俄罗斯没有做出更明显的干预中期选举的企图?

Today the troll factory is using a mix of surviving accounts and new ones to do what it’s always done, spread fake news and fan division on Twitter, said Ryan Fox, a former NSA official now serving as COO of the **ear-fighting startup New Knowledge. It’s also sneaking back onto Facebook, which discovered and deleted a fresh batch of fraudulent IRA-linked profiles and group pages in July. So far, though, none of the accounts are doing anything special for the election. “Lately, it’s been Kavanaugh all day, all the time,” said Fox.

“My asses**ent of the situation is they’re having to rec***titute. I also would assume that because most of their accounts were taken down that they don’t have the same robustness available,” Fox said.The indicted Russian busines**an who funded the IRA is now pouring resources into a new venture called USA Really, a Russian site dedicated to pushing anti-American propaganda. Unlike the IRA’s deceptive websites and Facebook groups, USA Really doesn’t disguise itself as a domestic U.S. entity, and it has real people on its masthead. In the short term, that makes it less effective at influencing Americans, but it also makes the site harder to target with a rational social media policy. Fox thinks that model is the future of Russia’s information operati***. “They’re out in the open now,” said Fox. “You can’t just call them out as Russian bots. You have to get into a debate about who counts as a journalist.”


马克·马泽蒂,罗南·伯格曼,大卫·D。Kirkpatrick和Maggie Haberman讲述了特朗普竞选高级官员里克·盖茨(Rick Gates)如何要求一家以色列公司提出建议,以创建虚假数字身份作为其竞选战略的一部分:

The campaign official, Rick Gates, sought one proposal to use bogus personas to target and sway 5,000 delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention by attacking Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Mr. Trump’s main opponent at the time. Another proposal describes opposition research and “complementary intelligence activities” about Mrs. Clinton and people close to her, according to copies of the proposals obtained by the New York Times and interviews with four people involved in creating the documents.


本·戈麦斯负责谷歌搜索。莱恩·加拉赫(Ryan Gallagher)在一篇基于戈麦斯对其团队评论抄本的该死的新报道中称,他公开称蜻蜓计划为“一次探索”。但私下里,他希望“尽快”完成。

Gomes, who joined Google in 1999 and is one of the key engineers behind the company’s search engine, said he hoped the censored Chinese version of the platform could be launched within six and nine months, but it could be sooner. “This is a world none of us have ever lived in before,” he said. “So I feel like we shouldn’t put too much definite into the timeline.”


Naomi Nix报道,在员工对Dragonfly项目的小规模**中,谷歌决定不竞争五角大楼的云计算合同:

“We are not bidding on the JEDI contract because first, we couldn’t be assured that it would align with our AI Principles,“ a Google spoke**an said in a statement. “And second, we determined that there were porti*** of the contract that were out of scope with our current government certificati***.”


Ryan Broderick前往圣保罗,试图了解选民是如何使用WhatsApp的:

WhatsApp is also a nightmare for fact-checkers. Nieman Lab called it a “black box of viral misinformation.” Brazil’s political activists, especially on the far right, have been extremely aggressive about using it to organize. Last year, Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL), or “Free Brazil Movement,” a right-wing pro-Bolsonaro youth movement, was the subject of an investigation by one of the country’s biggest papers, which reported from inside one of their WhatsApp groups. The paper discovered that MBL was using WhatsApp groups like “MBL merchants” or “MBL lawyers” to spread their content — including rumors and fake news. BuzzFeed News has reached out to MBL for comment.



一家蓬勃发展的聊天初创公司为Alt Right做好了准备

Joe Bernstein在Discord上的alt right聊天室中登录:

In a Discord chat server called “/pol/Nation” — named for the controversial 4chan imageboard — more than 3,000 users participate in a rolling multimedia chat extravaganza of Hitler memes, white nationalist revisionist history, and computer game strategy. And in a voice-over-IP chatroom within the server, users keep up a steady chatter about the same subjects. It’s like a cutting-edge, venture-backed version of its namesake; 4chan on steroids.




Last quarter, Instagram generated an estimated $2 billion, or about 15 percent, of Facebook’s $13 billion in ad revenue, according to estimates from Andy Hargreaves, a research ****yst with KeyBanc Capital Markets. Hargreaves expects Instagram to grow to about 30 percent of Facebook’s ad revenue in two years, as well as nearly 70 percent of the company’s new revenue by 2020 — driving the majority of Facebook’s growth.




根据一位分析师的说法,Snap Inc.“资金正在迅速耗尽”,可能需要在明年年中之前筹集资金:

In order to reach Chief Executive Officer Evan Spiegel’s goal of profitability in 2019, Snap would need to grow “massively faster” than expected and cut costs aggressively, ****yst Michael Nathanson wrote. He expects a loss of more than $1.5 billion in 2019 as Snap looks to rebuild its user base.



Snopes, the fact-checking site, explains that the hoax appears to reference fears about “cloned” Facebook accounts, where would-be scammers copy the name, profile picture, and basic information from a real account to create a second, nearly identical account on Facebook. Then, they send a bunch of friend requests to the original account’s friend list, to try to scam the person’s unsuspecting friends into granting access to their personal information by accepting the request.

A Facebook spokesperson said in an emailed statement that the company had “heard that some people are seeing posts or messages about accounts being cloned on Facebook,” messages that they likened to a chain letter or email. Although account cloning is a real thing, the volume of messages spreading across Facebook don’t reflect any actual spike in cloned accounts on the service


据Juro Osawa报道,在中国一场范围更广、有点神秘的应用程序打击行动中,Bullet Messenger,一款在过去几个月里大受欢迎的中国短信应用程序,已不再在苹果的应用程序商店**。



The gym selfie, experts say, is more than just a visual brag or photo-driven pep talk. Social media is fundamentally changing the way we work out—and the way we see ourselves in the mirror. In a recent study, professors Tricia Burke and Stephen Rains found that individuals who saw more workout posts in their feeds were more likely to feel concerned about their own bodies, especially if the posts came from a person they felt looked similar to them. This means that even a passive scroll through Instagram can be more about stoking self-c***ciousness, in oneself and in others, than providing motivation—and that we internalize these less*** more easily than we think. “If people become preoccupied with their weight, that could manifest itself in less healthy ways,” Burke told me.




Interestingly, Instagram says it’s not just ****yzing photos capti*** to identify bullying, but also the photo itself. Speaking to The Verge, a spokesperson gave the example of the AI looking for split-screen images as an example of potential bullying, as one person might be negatively compared to another. What other factors the AI will look for though isn’t clear. That might be a good idea c***idering that when Facebook announced it would scan memes using AI, people immediately started thinking of ways to get around such filters.

Along with the new filters, Instagram is also launching a “kindness camera effect,” which sounds like it’s a way to spread a positive message as a method to boost user engagement. While using the rear camera, the effects fill the screen with an overlay of “kind comments in many languages.” Switch to your front-facing camera, and you get a shimmer of hearts and a polite encouragement to “tag a friend you want to support.”




IGTV赢了:杂志出版商Meredith正在为Instagram 3个月的实验性垂直电视应用程序开发一套10个原创系列,其中第一个将在今年晚些时候首映。

Facebook Workplace增加了算法提要、安全检查和增强的聊天功能

乔什·康斯特尼(Josh Contine)在其首次用户会议上发布的关于Workplace的最新信息中最有趣的一点是:虽然有30000多家公司是客户,但Facebook在一年内还没有更新这一数字。这表明,在母公司艰难的一年中,该产品的流行速度缓慢。

Google Pixel 3活动的5大公告

谷歌今天推出了许多新产品,包括**、平板电脑,以及Facebook门户网站和Echo Show的竞争对手。Echo Show最显著的特点是没有摄像头。在这里阅读最重要的公告。



Initially announced last fall as AR Stickers, these virtual animati*** were similar to the lenses and filters that Snapchat popularized a few years back. But a key difference is that these are entirely in 3D and are deployed with a much **arter sense of spatial and object recognition, thanks to Google’s advances in artificial intelligence. Google launched Strangers Things stickers, as well as a pack for Star Wars during The Last Jedi theatrical run late last year.

In the new Playmoji packs, Google lets you pick from a selection of cartoony pets, visual and interactive signs, comic strip-style sports animati***, and anthropomorphic weather effects:


Charlie Warzel说,Facebook门户网站只能在美国人对自己隐私漠不关心的背景下解释:

It’s also further confirmation that Facebook isn’t particularly sorry for its privacy failures — despite a recent apology tour that included an expensive “don’t worry, we got this” mini-documentary, full-page apology ads in major papers, and COO Sheryl Sandberg saying things like, “We have a resp***ibility to protect your information. If we can’t, we don’t deserve it.” Worse, it belies the idea that Facebook has any real desire to reckon with the structural issues that obviously undergird its continued privacy missteps.

But more troubling still is what a product like Portal says about us, Facebook’s users: We don’t care enough about our privacy to quit it.


Taylor Hatmaker在门户网站上也同样兴奋不已:

It stands to reason that if Facebook cannot reliably secure its flagship product — Facebook itself — then the company should not be trusted with experimental forays into wildly different products, i.e. physical ones. Securing a software platform that serves 2.23 billion users is an extremely challenging task, and adding hardware to that equation just complicates existing concerns.

You don’t have to know the technical ins and outs of security to make secure choices. Trust is leverage — demand that it be earned. If a product doesn’t pass the **ell test, trust that feeling. Throw it out. Better yet, don’t invite it onto your kitchen counter to begin with.



海军老兵彼特·汉森(Pieter Hanson)周一晚在推特上引起轰动,此前他的母亲在推特上发了一张他穿着制服的照片,声称汉森“害怕单独约会”,由于“目前存在虚假性指控的氛围”,汉森创造了一个传奇的推特手柄——“That was MyMom”——并在一条完美的第一条推特上否认了她的评论,声称自己是**争取平等斗争的盟友。



向我发送提示、评论、问题和您有史以来最好的Google+帖子:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 19:53
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必应(bing)和谷歌(google)的区别 谷歌和必应的关键区别在于,在谷歌功能齐全的情况下,必应在视频搜索方面表现更好。谷歌一直是搜索引擎领域的主导力量。另一方面,由于谷歌的竞争,必应失去了它的优势。但如果我们仔...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 05:38
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... 众所周知,在网络服务方面,谷歌比苹果做得好得多。当MKBHD将iOS上的Siri与Android上的Google Assistant进行比较时,Google Assistant给出了相当大的一拳。但是googleassistant在iPhone上是如何工作的呢?它到底做什...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 13:06
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... 上周五,众议院司法小组委员会的听证会聚焦于谷歌和Facebook发布新闻的方式,本周早些时候提出的一项新法案已经获得共和党的支持。在长达数年的反垄断辩论中,这是对科技业最大的立法威胁之一,其政治力量大多来自当...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 02:38
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...ly off limits previously, such as banks and other financial instituti***. Facebook发布了一份29页的白皮书,称隐私实践和法律“不够完善”。这份报告旨在确保任**的隐私条例都尽可能符合公司的条款。(卡特·扎克热夫斯基/*****) 《变革的颜色...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 13:46
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...用户中,苹果的支持率为81%。 这项民调还询问了Twitter和Facebook的受欢迎程度,虽然Facebook落后于苹果和谷歌(58%的人表示对Facebook持赞成意见,28%的人持反对意见),但它的表现要比Twitter好得多。只有34%的受访者对Twitter有好感...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 22:55
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...我们今天看到的增长,将出现供需失衡。”。他说,对于Facebook和Twitter这样的公司来说,这是一个大问题。”目前,大量可用的移动设备库存确实保持了价格down.If 你是内华达州的一名房地产经纪人,你不会告诉你的客户这个街...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 14:55
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 本周早些时候,有消息称,Facebook正在着手收购生产太阳能无人机的公司Titan Aerospace。这些飞机可以在全球范围内飞行,依靠太阳的能量在高空停留数年。它们的有效载荷高达250磅。为什么社交网络需要...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 12:03
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 20:02
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  • 发布于 2021-05-06 08:51
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...之前收集反馈。) 如果这听起来很熟悉的话,那是因为Facebook只是在自己的移动即时文章格式上做了同样的事情——Facebook应用程序没有在你点击链接时加载网页,而是加载来自参与发布者的专有即时文章,并配以闪电图标。 谷...

  • 发布于 2021-05-06 17:58
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