
今天我带着一份请柬来了:《边缘》杂志总编辑尼莱·帕特尔的客座帖子。Nilay注意到即将上任的密苏里州共和党参议员Josh Hawley周二就一个我们明年将在这里密切关注的问题发表的评论:左翼和右翼都在努力削减230条款,《通信礼仪法》的一部分,在大多数情况下免除互联网平台对其用户发布内容的责任。尼莱既是一名律师也是一名编辑,我希望你们会喜欢他的观点。关于今天英国和联邦贸易委员会关于我们最喜爱的互联...

今天我带着一份请柬来了:《边缘》杂志总编辑尼莱·帕特尔的客座帖子。Nilay注意到即将上任的密苏里州共和党参议员Josh Hawley周二就一个我们明年将在这里密切关注的问题发表的评论:左翼和右翼都在努力削减230条款,《通信礼仪法》的一部分,在大多数情况下免除互联网平台对其用户发布内容的责任。尼莱既是一名律师也是一名编辑,我希望你们会喜欢他的观点。关于今天英国和联邦贸易委员会关于我们最喜爱的互联网平台的听证会,我还有更多要说的。

为什么共和党人误读了《通讯礼仪法》第230条而自欺欺人?这不是一部难懂的法律,但保守派经常用它来威胁政纲,用法律行动来取代230明确保护的温和决定。今年早些时候是特德·克鲁兹(哈佛法学院的一名学生!)在询问马克·扎克伯格时完全错了。今天,我们有来自密苏里州的共和党当选参议员Josh Hawley在推特上发表了这样的废话:



第二,也是更重要的一点,第230条存在的唯一原因是为了让平台能够在不承担任何责任的情况下进行调解。这项法律是为了回应斯特拉顿·奥克蒙特案而实施的。Prodigy,1995年的一个案例,该投资公司在电影《华尔街的狼》(TheWolf of Wall Street)中不朽地起诉了Prodigy,因为它声称留言板上的帖子是诽谤性的。**认为,由于Prodigy主持了其留言板,因此它与出版商行使同样的编辑控制权,因此对发布的内容负有责任。



最近,两党就第230条进行了讨论,该条规定了对通道两侧平台的责任——有争议的FOSTA-SESTA法案最近规定平台对协助**易的帖子负责。撰写第230条的参议员罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)在7月份告诉《华尔街日报》的科林·莱彻(Colin Lecher),如果这些政纲不采取温和的行动,他愿意接受更多的230个创业者。




伊西·拉波斯基(Issie Lapowsky)回顾了今天在英国与Facebook举行的听证会。在听证会上,来自九个国家的立法者向一位公司高管询问了上周在伦敦查获的一批封存文件的情况。委员会收到一封电子邮件,暗示俄罗斯实体在此前未披露的事件中盗用了大量数据,但Facebook随后与记者分享电子邮件,表明事实并非如此:

Over the course of three hours, they grilled Allan on Facebook’s long history of privacy screw-ups. He sat in a chair that had been reserved with a name plate for CEO Mark Zuckerberg—a theatrical nod at the fact that the Facebook founder rebuffed repeated invitati*** to testify before the International Grand Committee. In addition to the UK, the lawmakers there hailed from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Ireland, Latvia, and Singapore. It was the first time international parliamentarians had been invited to a hearing at Britain’s House of Comm*** since 1933, signaling the seriousness with which regulators worldwide now take social media platforms. […]

When reached for comment, a Facebook spokesperson told WIRED, “The engineers who had flagged these initial concerns subsequently looked into this further and found no evidence of specific Russian activity.” Facebook later supplied WIRED with redacted versi*** of the emails themselves. “Ok, things are not as bad as they seemed,” reads one email. “There was a series of unfortunate coincidences that made me think of the worst.” The email goes on to say that the activity was actually coming from Pinterest’s servers and was successfully pinging Facebook’s API just six million times daily, not three billion times. Facebook wouldn’t elaborate on the cause of the confusion.



Our opposition to Dragonfly is not about China: we object to technologies that aid the powerful in oppressing the vulnerable, wherever they may be. The Chinese government certainly isn’t alone in its readiness to stifle freedom of expression, and to use surveillance to repress dissent. Dragonfly in China would establish a dangerous precedent at a volatile political moment, one that would make it harder for Google to deny other countries similar concessi***.

Our company’s decision comes as the Chinese government is openly expanding its surveillance powers and tools of population control. Many of these rely on advanced technologies, and combine online activity, personal records, and mass monitoring to track and profile citizens. Reports are already showing who bears the cost, including Uyghurs, women’s rights advocates, and students. Providing the Chinese government with ready access to user data, as required by Chinese law, would make Google complicit in oppression and human rights abuses.


And here’s an external campaign to get Google to abandon Dragonfly. Amnesty International is planning dem***trati*** at Google offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and Spain, reports Ryan Gallagher:

“This is a watershed moment for Google,” said Joe Westby, Amnesty International’s researcher on technology and human rights. “As the world’s No. 1 search engine, it should be fighting for an internet where information is freely accessible to everyone, not backing the Chinese government’s dystopian alternative.“


据杰奎琳·汤姆森(Jacqueline Thomsen)和奥利维亚·比弗斯(Olivia Beavers)报道,俄罗斯黑客正在“开展一场针对联邦**、媒体和智库的广泛活动”

Some researchers told The Hill that the recent cyber efforts are a sign that hackers are exploring the new political landscape now that Democrats will be in control of the House starting in January.

And with some fearing that Russian hackers are waiting until the high-profile 2020 presidential election to fully deploy their capabilities, the post-midterm cyber campaign suggests the groups are having somewhat of a resurgence in their efforts to penetrate U.S. government instituti***.


Jane Lytvynenko向我们提供了一条关于美国**目前在边境与移民冲突的病毒性错误信息:

Far-right media used the photo to spread divisive false claims of it being staged. The first claims came to mainstream view on Twitter, where a user posted the photo with some of the people in it circled. This includes two people with cameras who looked to be documenting the tear gas attack and another man running roughly in the direction of the camera.



Another writer, Julia, who asked me not to use her last name because she works for a production company that could conduct business with Amazon Studios in the future, says she canceled her subscription after seeing the film Sorry to Bother You, which offers a stark critique of capitali**.

“I had Amazon Prime for about a year, and during that time, I watched my whole approach to c***umption change,” she says. “A stack of boxes started to accumulate next to my recycling bin, and I was sort of horrified to realize how greedy I’d become. We’ve all become so accustomed to getting whatever we want, whenever we want, at little to no cost. But when anything is that cheap, there’s always someone paying for it.”



前Facebook合作伙伴关系经理马克·勒基(Mark Luckie)今天向媒体发布了一份内部备忘录,他在备忘录中表示,在Facebook,“种族歧视是真实存在的。”(同样值得一读Facebook合作伙伴关系负责人伊姆·阿奇邦(Ime Archibong)的回应。)

Facebook’s disenfranchisement of black people on the platform mirrors the marginalization of its black employees. In my time at the company, I’ve heard far too many stories from black employees of a colleague or manager calling them “hostile” or “aggressive” for simply sharing their thoughts in a manner not dissimilar from their non-Black team members. A few black employees have reported being specifically dissuaded by their managers from becoming active in the [internal] Black@ group or doing “Black stuff,” even if it happens outside of work hours. Too many black employees can recount stories of being aggressively accosted by campus security beyond what was necessary.

On a personal note, at least two or three times a day, every day, a colleague at MPK [Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park] will look directly at me and tap or hold their wallet or shove their hands down their pocket to clutch it tightly until I pass. The frequency is even higher when walking through Classic campus or Building 20. To feel like an oddity at your own place of employment because of the color of your skin while passing posters reminding you to be your authentic self feels in itself inauthentic.


据Kerry Flynn报道,Facebook广告经理的业绩持续下滑,这可能会影响Facebook的季度收益:

Digiday spoke to 10 ad buyers, the majority of whom manage milli*** of dollars on Facebook per month. To them, unanimously, Facebook’s ad manager has gotten noticeably worse over the last year. Compounding the issue, several ad buyers complained that Facebook doesn’t seem to care about the problems unless the buyer works within a holding company. The issue comes as every other major digital ad platform — Google, Amazon, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Reddit — maintains reliability far better than Facebook, according to media buyers.

The general ad buyer gospel is that Facebook is notoriously unreliable, Google is all around great and Amazon is janky with its system but undeniably unstoppable for the return of investment.


如果您仍在关注Facebook比基尼应用程序的电子邮件闹剧,请欣赏Katie Notopoulos 2015年在该应用程序上的故事,该应用程序现在正处于全球贸易战/间谍电影/新闻道德研讨会的中心:

The problem that the app Pinkinis was solving was an all-too-common one: You love it when your Facebook friends post photos of themselves at the beach (humana humana humana loosens tie oowwOOOga makes squeezing gesture with both hands daddy likey), but who has time to scroll through all their friends’ photos looking for a few glimpses of exposed flesh? We’ve all been there.

Pikinis used image-****yzing software to scan through your friends’ photos and surface any bikini or bathing suit photos for your viewing ease and pleasure. Now before you feminazis claim this is sexist, please note that it would also find male swimsuit photos as well.


Nick Statt报道说,Facebook.com上的旧Messenger帖子无缘无故地冒了出来。公司说这是一个bug。


马特·塔比(Matt Taibi)写道,在Facebook清除超党派新闻网站的过程中,无意中发现了出版商参与了协同的不真实活动。Taibbi说他们中的一些人应该得到他们的书页:

This story may be turning into one of the oldest narratives in politics: the misuse of a public emergency to suspend civil rights and concentrate power. One recurring theme of the fake-news controversy has been a willingness of those in power to use the influence of platforms like Facebook, rather than curtail or correct them. Accused of being an irresp***ible steward of information, Facebook is now being asked to exercise potentially vast and opaque new powers.


Michelle Castillo说Facebook Watch正开始招揽针对老年观众的节目。我想这真的能起作用吗?给Judy法官任何她想要的报酬,看看手表是否在曾经为Farmville交易肥皂剧的团体中流行起来:

In talks with at least three media companies, Facebook has hinted it wants Watch shows aimed at post-college millennials around parenting age and older. One media company said Facebook was asking them for shows hosted by traditional celebrities rather than social media stars. Facebook responded most positively to talent in their 30s through 50s.

Another company said Facebook said it wanted shows for a broad audience, but not focused on anyone who was under the age of 20. Any teen shows need to have ***** themes that could attract older viewers. Facebook was also asking for more formats that may be familiar to traditional TV viewers and middle America, like reality and talk shows.






将这一条加入书签:一份从1990年到现在的主要在线骚扰活动的综合列表。卡罗琳·辛德斯(Caroline Sinders)提供的便捷且备受赞赏的资源。


布莱克·蒙哥马利(Blake Montgomery)报道了一组使用Snapchat和其他平台向性工作者告密的**。值得一提的是,性工作者开始使用这些平台,部分原因是福斯塔将他们赶出了Craigslist和其他网站。

Porn stars and sex workers have increasingly turned to personalized content, such as subscription-only social media accounts or customized videos, to earn a living amid a glut of free online ****. Some sites like Patreon issue 1099 IRS forms for the work, but many do not because of the separation of payment and content distribution platforms.

One tweet promoting the campaign by user @womenstilltrash racked up more than 80,000 likes and retweets since Nov. 23. Prominent online right-wing personalities with a history of misogynist behavior also helped spread it.




Alexandria Ocasio Cortez在推特上的存在是2020年民主党人的蓝图

像Alexandria Ocasio Cortez这样的推特,Jay Willis说:

Twitter can be a tricky medium for politicians: Its character limit precludes them from using it to engage in lengthy policy debates, and its public nature—every back-and-forth occurs in full view of supporters and opponents, and is scored in real time by volumes of hearts—can make the temptation to use it only for drags and dunks overpowering. Especially for newcomers like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who had no real say in her overnight transformation into a media darling, getting ensnared in too many Twitter beefs is an easy way to allow bad-faith critics to di**iss them as unserious politicians. Thus far, she’s managed to avoid this pitfall by staying doggedly, laboriously on message, and more people are familiar with her platform as a result.


著名设计师兼科技评论家迈克·蒙泰罗(Mike Monteiro)表示,Facebook和其他科技公司用部落企业身份取代了员工的公民身份,损害了他们周围的社区:

Where most of the world saw a story about corporate malfeasance and corruption, Facebook employees were told a story about their community being under attack and needing to protect itself. They circled the wag***. If your community was under attack you’d circle the wag*** too. And that’s the problem. Their sense of community, as designed by the corporation, was stronger than their sense of loyalty to any community outside the company. (And the benefits of being in that community so immense!) It became easier to rally against outside forces, than to question the community that provides them with nearly everything. Not to mention their own complicity by continuing to work there.



When it comes to the Russians, the Berkman book also shows why this column makes a habit of dumping on any simplistic ****ysis that assumes pro-Trump Russian messages increased the Trump vote. As the prior administration’s intelligence chiefs made clear, Russia wanted its meddling to be seen. The real message was, “We’re screwing with you, America.” So how many votes did Mr. Trump lose during the campaign because of a torrent of partisan and media innuendo about his alleged Putin ties? The net effect of the Kremlin’s noisy activities is what matters.

If we’re being honest with ourselves, the overwhelming effect of Russian meddling was to make Russian meddling a club that U.S. elites could use on each other in pursuit of ambition. Somebody might well be deserving of blame for this, but it’s not Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg.





为Facebook向我发送提示、评论、问题和带有唾沫斑点的议会问题:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 18:40
  • 阅读 ( 70 )
  • 分类:互联网



...关于第230条的谈判已经被推翻了。修改这项法律最初是由共和党人倡导的,他们试图惩罚科技公司,因为立法者毫无根据地声称这些平台对保守派有偏见。现在,民主党正着手改革230,以惩罚造谣和有害内容的平台。 “我们需...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:22
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...,回应了人们对Facebook推卸其调节该平台的责任的担忧。共和党人以相反的理由对230持异议,认为它给予了政纲一个不适当的广泛许可,以审查言论。 大选后几天,特朗普总统利用推特散布毫无根据的选举舞弊指控,这一问题变...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 23:42
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...普总统的法律团队在他落后的战场各州展开了各种挑战,共和党人正以越来越高的热情支持这些挑战。 参议院多数党领袖麦康奈尔拒绝承认拜登的胜利,并表示特朗普“百分之百”有权挑战这一胜利。一个由10名共和党总检察长...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 07:21
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...会存在政治分歧,该报告被推迟发表。《****》报道说,共和党人与民主党多数派在提出解决垄断行为的方案上意见分歧,他们对报告没有讨论科技公司歧视保守派用户的说法感到不安。众议员肯巴克(Ken Buck)散发了一份替代报...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 12:53
  • 阅读 ( 160 )


...有趣。 但不幸的是,国会实际上对第230条并不感兴趣。共和党人对首席执行官们提出了关于个人节制决策的愤怒问题——在一个特别奇怪的时刻,参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz,德克萨斯州共和党人)问多西“到底谁选你来管理...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 17:29
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一群参议院共和党人星期二提出了一项新的法案,旨在削减通过《通信体面法》第230条向社交媒体公司提供的一些保护。 由Sens.Lindsey Graham(R-SC)、Roger Wicker(R-MS)和Marsha Blackburn(R-TN)引入的《在线自由和观点多样...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 20:28
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...,但这不是这次听证会的目的。” 该法案由南达科他州共和党人约翰·图恩共同发起,一些共和党议员探讨了互联网法律的细微差别。但有几家仍专注于使大型科技公司在政治上“中立”的目标,这一模糊的想法导致了笨拙的、...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 16:20
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周三,一批参议院共和党人提出了一项新的提案,限制《通信体面法》第230条授予的豁免权,为Facebook和YouTube等公司如何调节自己的平台打下了基础。 该法案被称为《限制见义勇为者豁免权法案》(Limiting Section 230豁...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 03:17
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...民主党代表敦促他们的政党增加支持互联网开放的立场,共和党人已经在他们最新的纲领中谈到了这个问题。共和党人已经将网络自由定义为摆脱“传统监管”的自由,民主党人有什么要说的? 共和党人谴责现行的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 01:10
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 18:10
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