什么是《灰烬之城》中的冲突?(the conflict in the story "the city of ember"?)

《灰烬之城》是由珍妮·杜普拉(Jeanne DuPrau)写的一本科幻小说,被改编成一部长篇电影。故事中的主要冲突是年轻的英雄丽娜·梅弗利特和杜恩·哈罗在逃离地下城寻找新的光源以拯救人民的过程中所面临的困难。...

《灰烬之城》是由珍妮·杜普拉(Jeanne DuPrau)写的一本科幻小说,被改编成一部长篇电影。故事中的主要冲突是年轻的英雄丽娜·梅弗利特和杜恩·哈罗在逃离地下城寻找新的光源以拯救人民的过程中所面临的困难。



  • 发表于 2021-11-20 22:08
  • 阅读 ( 43 )
  • 分类:文学



...1941 which at the time of writing boasted ten 'lands' or countries wherein conflicts were decided with tabletop wargames of vast and involving complexity. But it's Brian Wiese's 'Hobbit War' of 1977 that represents the likely apotheosis of 'boffer' larp, familiar from the pop-cultural stereotype: Re...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 04:43
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 NASA cut off ties with Russia this week citing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but the agency's decision was really about something much different. NASA hasn't seen much money in recent years, and it's hoping that lawmakers would rather keep money at home then send it abroad at a ti...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 16:56
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...ys, the Kingdom of Lucis is to sign an armistice, ending a long and bitter conflict with Niflheim. Ahead of the ceremony, Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Ten...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 00:39
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...主要区别在于,历史指的是过去,而故事指的是叙事。 什么是历史(history)? 简而言之,历史就是过去;历史告诉我们过去发生的事件和事件。历史可以是关于人类的历史,文明的起源,甚至是与一个地方或机构的发展有关的事...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 11:02
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...on, also known as denouement marks the end of the story. In this part, the conflict is resolved and either the protagonist or the antagonist wins the conflict. 什么是设置(setting)? 文学作品中的背景是指故事发生的地点和时间。它提供与故事有关的地理位置、历史...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 16:21
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...节开始得到解决。 Resolution: This marks the end of the story. The conflict is resolved and the story concludes with either a happy or tragic ending. This is also known as the resolution. 什么是主题(theme)? 主题可以定义为通过一篇文章传达的中心信息或见解。任何...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 16:22
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...1803年。 By war's end in 1815, most of Europe had been involved in the conflict. It also resulted in America's first conflict known as the 准战争. 拿破仑被打败,国王路易十八(r。1815-1824年)在法国加冕,并为欧洲国家划定了新的边界。此外,英国接管了...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 02:44
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记者在传统报纸文章的开头回答的问题是 谁 什么 什么时候 哪里 为什么? 怎样 它们也被称为“五个W”和“一个H”以及记者提问。 英国修辞学家托马斯·威尔逊(Thomas Wilson,1524-1581)在讨论中世纪修辞学的“七种情况...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 12:14
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  • 发布于 2021-10-01 07:48
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什么是冲突解决的不同类型?(the different types of conflict resolution?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-19 11:30
  • 阅读 ( 192 )