


自从去年詹姆斯·达莫尔(James Damore)的争议以来,谷歌一直面临着希望公开**公司政治的不满员工的频繁爆发。今年1月,一位前安全工程师表示,他被阻止分享他支持多样性的观点。今年夏天,一群员工成功地向该公司施压,要求其停止为军方建造人工智能项目。一个类似的组织正在努力阻止该公司重新进入中国。


周三,有报道称,司法部长杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessi***)可能会对科技公司展开反垄断和消费者保**调查,谷歌有人给了他一份礼物:2016年美国总统选举后谷歌第一次全体会议长达一小时的视频,在这篇文章中,垂头丧气的高管们试图安慰他们正在讲话的员工。







谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai告诉听众,许多员工给他发了电子邮件,说他们担心特朗普**的后果。他鼓励他们直言不讳,接触政治对手,拥抱民主进程。

“这是一个公平和民主的过程,我们对此感到荣幸,”领导谷歌法律和政策团队的肯特·沃克(Kent Walker)表示。






我的同事詹姆斯·文森特(James Vincent)向我们概述了欧盟的版权指令,批评人士称该指令威胁到我们所知的互联网。它的条款可以进一步巩固现有企业,同时为我们其他人打破部分互联网。它将在1月份进行最后投票,但预计将通过:

Critics of the Copyright Directive say these provisi*** are disastrous. In the case of Article 11, they note that attempts to “tax” platforms like Google News for sharing articles have repeatedly failed, and that the system would be ripe to abuse by copyright trolls.

Article 13, they say, is even worse. The legislation requires that platforms proactively work with rightsholders to stop users uploading copyrighted content. The only way to do so would be to scan all data being uploaded to sites like YouTube and Facebook. This would create an incredible burden for **all platforms, and could be used as a mechani** for widespread censorship. This is why figures like Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee came out so strongly against the directive.



“Today’s vote dealt a significant blow to the open Internet, and to **aller companies like Reddit,” a representative told The Verge. “It is disappointing to see the Parliament disregard the concerns of those c***tituents and experts who know the Internet best– including its very architects. We’re evaluating what this means for Reddit, and we will continue to keep our community informed.”



“We felt it was important to dem***trate the president has taken command of this issue, that it’s something he cares deeply about — that the integrity of our electi*** and our c***titutional process are a high priority to him,” said national security adviser John Bolton.

In the order, the president declared a national emergency, an action required under sancti*** authority, to deal with the threat of foreign meddling in U.S. electi***.



“Americans are struggling to understand what’s being collected and how it’s used,” said Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.), the committee chairman. “We’re holding this hearing to help inform c***umers and to determine where the federal government may need to assert itself.”

The hearing will give lawmakers a chance to understand how internet companies have fueled their rapid growth by leveraging c***umer data to sell advertising and other services and products.



Before Kim Slingerland downloaded the Fun Kid Racing app for her then-5-year-old son, Shane, she checked to make sure it was in the family section of the Google Play store and rated as age-appropriate. The game, which lets children race cartoon cars with animal drivers, has been downloaded milli*** of times.

Until last month, the app also shared users’ data, sometimes including the precise location of devices, with more than a half-dozen advertising and online tracking companies. On Tuesday evening, New Mexico’s attorney general filed a lawsuit claiming that the maker of Fun Kid Racing had violated a federal children’s privacy law through dozens of Android apps that shared children’s data.


斯蒂芬妮·阿莫尔(Stephanie Armor)和保罗·奥弗伯格(Paul Overberg)报道说,俄罗斯巨魔也可能是政策书呆子:

A newly identified group of nearly 10,000 tweets shows that while Russian trolls often focus on such hot-button issues as Hillary Clinton’s email or athletes kneeling during the national anthem, they also target substantive and divisive policy areas like health care.

Nearly 600 IRA-linked accounts posted toTwitter about the ACA and health policy from 2014 through this past May, with the most prolific ones tweeting hundreds of times, the new data show. One account, called TEN_GOP, rocketed from fewer than 1,000 followers to more than 138,000 in two years, sending 60 tweets that potentially reached followers more than four million times.


Reddit已禁止QAnon阴谋subreddit r/Greatawaking


Reddit has banned its subreddit devoted to QAnon c***piracy theories, stating that it violated rules against “inciting violence, haras**ent, and the dissemination of personal information.” NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny tweeted about the ban of r/GreatAwakening earlier today. It’s the second high-profile purge of a QAnon subreddit — a board called r/CBTS_stream was banned in March for repeatedly violating Reddit guidelines. Some of the subreddit’s users have regrouped on Reddit clone Voat, which takes a more hands-off approach to moderation.

Instagram首席运营官马恩·莱文(Marne Levine)将重返Facebook,成为其高管之一

据刚度完蜜月回到办公室的库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)报道,Instagram首席运营官马恩·莱文(Marne Levine)一直保持低调,同时帮助该品牌发展成为Facebook的主要业务,他现在将接管蓝色巨人的所有合作伙伴关系。恭喜你,库尔特!

It’s a big promotion for Levine, who will join Facebook’s management team, though her appointment isn’t a total surprise. She was a likely internal candidate for the position, as reported by Recode last month, and was a top Facebook executive running public policy at the social giant before joining Instagram. She’s also best friends with Sandberg.

“Since she began at Instagram four years ago, Marne has been an invaluable COO,” Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom said in a statement shared with Recode. “We have grown from a community of 300 million to more than a billion, from a team of just over 100 to more than a thousand employees and opened offices all over the world. There are few executives with the range and skill of Marne.”


从商业的角度来看,很难夸大一个糟糕的年景。两年前,该公司斥资1.14亿美元购买了一款名为Vurb的移动搜索应用程序;该公司的首席执行官周三辞职,没有费心把所有股票都转出。Josh Contine报告称,这是一个比其他方式更容易选择的原因之一,因为该股周三跌至历史低点:

Given Snap is known to back-weight its stock vesting schedules, Lo could be leaving over half of his retention shares on the table. That decision should worry investors. As a solo founder, Lo already made off with a big chunk of the acquisition price that including $21 million in cash and $83 million in stock, so with the company’s share price so low, he might have had little incentive to stay.

Since last July, Snap has lost a ton of talent including SVP of Engineering Tim Sehn, early employee Chloe Drimal, VP of HR and Legal Robyn Thomas and VP of Securities and Facilities Martin Lev, CFO Drew Vollero, VP of product Tom Conrad, TimeHop co-founder Jonathan Wegener, Spectacles team lead Mark Randall, ad tech manager Sriram Krishnan, head of sales Jeff Lucas, and just last week, its COO Imran Khan.



An Italian court handed down a nine-month prison sentence to a person who wrote fake hotel reviews on TripAdvisor in exchange for money from hotels aiming An Italian court has ruled that writing fake TripAdvisor reviews using a false identity is illegal and sentenced someone to nine months in prison.


泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)报道说,青少年希望利用社交媒体的压力,摆脱教育中最可怕的仪式之一:在全班同学面前讲话:

In the past few years, students have started calling out in-class presentati*** as discriminatory to those with anxiety, demanding that teachers offer alternative opti***. This week, a tweet posted by 15-year-old high school student declaring “Stop forcing students to present in front of the class and give them a choice not to” garnered over 130,000 retweets and nearly half a million likes. A similar sentiment tweeted in January also racked up thousands of likes and retweets. And teachers are listening.


苹果周三宣布了三款新的iPhone机型:XS、XS Max和XR。在这里赶上!




“If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid or substance misuse, find ways to get free and confidential treatment referrals, as well as information about substance abuse, prevention, and recovery.”

The user can then opt to get support resources that Instagram developed with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the National Council on Alcoholi** and Drug Dependence, and the Partnership for Drug Free Kids. There will also be advice for family and friends of people with substance abuse problems.


法哈德·曼乔(Farhad Manjoo)调查了为什么撇开埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)不谈,科技公司的首席执行官不再浮华。

It’s no mystery why tech leaders are turning inward. “Tech is now such a huge and dominant industry,” said Joshua Reeves, the proudly boring founder and chief executive of Gusto, a start-up that makes human resources software. “The fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants mind-set is just not viable when you have a trillion-dollar market capitalization or if you have more influence than many governments around the world.”


本·汤普森(Ben Thompson)善意地链接了昨天关于Facebook事实调查的时事通讯,并提出了一个聪明的观点:

Oh, and by the way, read again the headline of the piece I started with: does the author think it is actually true that Facebook’s idea of fact-checking is censoring ThinkProgress because a c***ervative site told them to? Or is the thirst for clicks worth choosing hyperbole over truth, and the outrage less about the pursuit of objective truth and more about the insistence that the powers that be enforce one’s own political goals?




向我发送提示、问题、更正和Apple Watch系列4:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 10:21
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... 一份泄露的内部研究报告显示,谷歌正在努力寻找一种平衡,一种生存危机。科技巨头能否在不审查和破坏他人声音的情况下,积极防范****的负面影响? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 21:43
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 13:02
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苹果分析师Ming Chi Kuo(via 9to5Mac)预测,经过数月的传闻和猜测,苹果似乎将在今年年底生产数千万台超宽带跟踪器(暂定为AirTags或Apple Tags),可能在第三季度生产。 苹果标签/AirTags的存在去年被许多媒体泄露。图...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 05:21
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谷歌前人权负责人说他‘旁观者’ 过度审查的中文搜索引擎

谷歌一位前高管说,他是在该公司宣传人权后被开除的,因为领导层推动了一个经过审查的中国搜索引擎的计划。 rosslajeunesse表示,尽管谷歌的评论称该项目一直是一个实验,但公司高管还是执意要用某种经过审查的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 10:42
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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 00:17
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  • 发布于 2021-04-28 10:23
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 16:42
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 01:39
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 14:48
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...)在2016年出版的《****》(Free Speech)一书中称,Facebook和谷歌是超级大国,它们完全建立在盈利模式之上,缺乏传统媒体存在的道德和法律问责机制。他们控制着大量私人拥有的公共空间。它们没有主权国家的正式立法权。没有...

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 17:41
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