




Each of 143 participants completed a survey to determine mood and well-being at the study’s start, plus shared shots of their iPhone battery screens to offer a week’s worth of baseline social-media data. Participants were then randomly assigned to a control group, which had users maintain their typical social-media behavior, or an experimental group that limited time on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram to 10 minutes per platform per day.

For the next three weeks, participants shared iPhone battery screenshots to give the researchers weekly tallies for each individual. With those data in hand, Hunt then looked at seven outcome measures including fear of missing out, anxiety, depression, and loneliness.



The results from our experiment strongly suggest that limiting social media usage does have a direct and positive impact on subjective well-being over time, especially with respect to decreasing loneliness and depression. That is, ours is the first study to establish a clear causal link between decreasing social media use, and improvements in loneliness and depression. It is ironic, but perhaps not surprising, that reducing social media, which promised to help us connect with others, actually helps people feel less lonely and depressed.








总统试图通过反复在推特上发布毫无根据的选民欺诈指控来破坏对中期选举的信心。我觉得这一切都非常令人震惊。Jane Lytvynenko带我们走过它:

Since Thursday, Trump sent seven tweets about the election, baselessly making claims like, “Trying to STEAL two big electi*** in Florida!” and “Rick Scott was up by 50,000+ votes on Election Day, now they ‘found’ many votes and he is only up 15,000 votes.” Although most of his tweets focused on Broward County in Florida, they echoed the c***piratorial thinking of falsehoods that spread online.



French President Emmanuel Macron released an international agreement on cybersecurity principles Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum. The original signatories included more than 50 nati***, 130 private sector groups and 90 charitable groups and universities, but not the United States, Russia or China.



Voting largely came and went without major incident, according to U.S. officials and cybersecurity companies looking for evidence of Russian interference.

Several factors may have reduced Moscow’s impact. Clint Watts, a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said the diffuse nature of congressional and state races makes them a harder target than a single presidential election.


莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)、塞琳娜·王(Selina Wang)和艾莉莎·塞贝尼乌斯(Alyza Sebenius)报道说,Facebook与执法部门的关系越来越密切,部分原因是外国干涉我们选举的威胁。感觉这可能是一把双刃剑:

Now, communication lines have started to open between Facebook and federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to the company. Facebook also established relati***hips with state election boards, so it could be alerted to problems as they occurred. Those connecti*** are likely to strengthen ahead of the 2020 presidential election, when foreign interest in election manipulation may be higher. Twitter Inc., too, has strengthened its relati***hip with federal law enforcement agencies, seeking to protect against foreign influence.


YouTube首席执行官Susan Wojcicki对欧盟提议的版权指令第13条有更多的发言。在这篇专栏文章中,她警告说,如果通过,它将剥夺互联网上“绝望”的音乐视频

“This video contains multiple copyrights, ranging from sound recording to publishing rights,” Wojcicki wrote. “Although YouTube has agreements with multiple entities to license and pay for the video, some of the rights holders remain unknown. That uncertainty means we might have to block videos like this to avoid liability under article 13. Multiply that risk with the scale of YouTube, where more than 400 hours of video are uploaded every minute, and the potential liabilities could be so large that no company could take on such a financial risk.”


托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)和詹姆斯·麦考利(James McCauley)报告称,在一次新颖的合作中,Facebook邀请法国监管机构与该公司合作,研究其如何调节内容:

Under a six-month arrangement announced on Monday, French investigators will monitor Facebook’s policies and tools for stopping posts and photos that attack people on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality or gender. From there, aides to French President Emmanuel Macron hope to determine “the necessary regulatory and legislative developments” to fight online hate speech, a government official said.

In recent months, France and its fellow European countries have adopted a much harder line against Facebook and its social-media peers, demanding they police their platforms more aggressively to stop a range of digital ills — including c***piracy theories, fake news and terrorist propaganda. Macron pressed Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on the issue when the two met in Paris earlier this year.








创建Snapchat Discover的高管即将离开公司






Facebook is the least trustworthy of all major tech companies when it comes to safeguarding user data, according to a new national poll conducted for Fortune, highlighting the major challenges the company faces following a series of recent privacy blunders.

Only 22% of Americans said that they trust Facebook with their personal information, far less than Amazon (49%), Google (41%), Microsoft (40%), and Apple (39%).


上个月,纽约写了一篇关于家长**Summit Learning的文章。Summit Learning是Facebook倡导的个性化学习课程(该公司已向该项目捐赠了工程师。)苏珊·埃德尔曼报道,现在纽约一所高中也加入了反对阵营:

Brooklyn teens are protesting their high school’s adoption of an online program spawned by Facebook, saying it forces them to stare at computers for hours and “teach ourselves.”

Nearly 100 students walked out of classes at the Secondary School for Journali** in Park Slope last week in revolt against “Summit Learning,” a web-based curriculum designed by Facebook engineers, and bankrolled by CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan.



“Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought… life is boring so why not,” the gunman wrote on Instagram,


劳拉·贝尔格雷(Laura Belgray)在这里写道,她向客户收取每小时950美元的费用,为他们编写鼓舞人心的Instagram副本。


据Paresh Dave报道,Twitter在周五删除了数百万个可疑账户。

Twitter’s own account fell by 7.8 million followers in July but gained back 2.36 million by mid-October. It lost 2.4 million on Friday, according to Social Blade.


Emma Grey Ellis写道,今天观看最多的YouTube视频持续20分钟或更长时间,这是YouTube推荐算法随着时间推移推广更长视频的结果:

The simplest explanation for these swelling run times is straightforward business. As a new study from the Pew Research Center dem***trates, YouTube has been quietly shifting its recommendation system to reward lengthy videos. YouTube’s algorithm is famously opaque. So to reverse-engineer it, Pew researchers took more than 170,000 “random walks” through YouTube over a period of six weeks, letting the site’s recommendati*** be their guide. They ended up watching over 300,000 unique videos, but just two patterns emerged in the recommended video’s statistics: First, the recommendation algorithm drove viewers toward more and more popular creators. But the researchers also noticed that YouTube’s recommendati*** c***istently increased in length: At first, they were nine and a half minutes, then 12, then 15.


我很喜欢与《****》的马克斯·费舍尔(Max Fisher)进行的问答,他谈到了为什么他与翻译阿曼达·塔布(Amanda Taub)合作撰写了一份出色的时事通讯,转而报道社交媒体(它的最新版本,关于中期选举对我们民主的健康意味着什么,也被强烈推荐。)

Even after reporting with Amanda Taub on algorithm-driven violence in Germany and Sri Lanka, I didn’t quite appreciate this until I turned on Facebook push alerts this summer. Right away, virtually every gadget I owned started blowing up with multiple daily alerts urging me to check in on my ex, even if she hadn’t posted anything. I’d stayed away from her page for months specifically to avoid training Facebook to show me her posts. Yet somehow the algorithm had correctly identified this as the thing likeliest to make me click, then followed me across continents to ensure that I did.

It made me think of the old “Terminator” movies, except instead of a killer robot sent to find Sarah Connor, it’s a sophisticated set of programs ruthlessly pursuing our attention. And exploiting our most human frailties to do it.




YouTube VR今天为Oculus Go发布

Adi Robertson在9月份宣布计划后写道,YouTube今天将在Oculus Go移动虚拟现实耳机上推出其曾经的白日梦专属虚拟现实应用程序。




David Leonhardt写道,美国终于有了一场****:

Last week, ballot initiatives to improve the functioning of democracy fared very well. In Florida — a state divided nearly equally between right and left — more than 64 percent of voters approved restoring the franchise to 1.4 million people with felony convicti***. In Colorado, Michigan and Missouri, measures to reduce gerrymandering passed. In Maryland, Michigan and Nevada, measures to simplify voter registration passed. “In red states as well as blue states,” Chiraag Bains of the think tank Demos says, “voters overwhelmingly sent the message: We’re taking our democracy back.”





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... 你在Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Snapchat,音乐的、Pinterest和LinkedIn?如果你是,你可能不会花太多时间在任何特定的网络上(除非你花太多时间在社交媒体上)。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 06:12
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... 相关:当没有人喜欢你的Facebook状态时该怎么办 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 13:03
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  • 发布于 2021-05-16 04:55
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...、内疚等等,是完全不好的。我的意思是,如果你看你的Facebook feed,那里的每个人都在享受他妈的美好时光。听着,这周有八个人结婚了!电视上有个16岁的女孩生日时买了一辆法拉利。而另一个孩子刚刚发明了一款应用程序,...

  • 发布于 2021-05-16 20:33
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  • 发布于 2021-05-19 14:33
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  • 发布于 2021-05-21 01:39
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...,这篇文章的作者[email protected]. 你也可以在Twitter、Facebook上找到他,还可以在我们的“提示”页面上找到他。

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  • 发布于 2022-03-02 22:32
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如何避免成为欺凌的受害者(avoid being a victim of bullying)

...她就更有可能继续骚扰你。 2 屏蔽欺凌者。无论您是在Facebook聊天、G-Chat或其他形式的即时通讯中,都要将欺凌者从您的账户中屏蔽掉,这样您就无法收到他们的任何信息。根据您使用的程序,您也可能对欺凌者显示为隐形。...

  • 发布于 2022-03-04 07:44
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如何让自己相信你很高兴独处(convince yourself that you're happy being alone)

...大的社交网络可能会增加孤独感。与其有很多熟人,不如更多地关注你已经拥有的亲密的人际关系。 3.与朋友和爱人共度时光。同伴关系对于培养幸福感和忍受孤独很重要。制定社交计划。不要等待别人联系你。关注人与人之...

  • 发布于 2022-03-17 18:28
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