


周二晚上,《财富》杂志的Michal Lev Ram报道说,Facebook员工将“根据一个全新的标准进行评判”。她说,今后,员工的评价将部分基于他们如何帮助Facebook应对重大社会问题:

The change to the bonus structure was announced by Zuckerberg at an all-hands meeting at Facebook’s Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters Tuesday morning, one day after the company celebrated its 15th anniversary. According to the company, none of the new, individual factors are “assigned any specific weighting or dollar amount of the target bonus,” leaving the exact formula up to its compensation and governance committee. [...]

In a call with Fortune Tuesday afternoon, Facebook’s chief technology officer, Mike Schroepfer, said there isn’t an easy formula for figuring out progress on its new goals, including improvements to safety and security, though the company is tracking and now publishing many metrics, like how many fake accounts it takes down daily. “This is going to be our first time figuring this out,” Schroepfer said about the change.


One of Facebook’s key challenges is that it’s simultaneously working on hard problems across so many dimensi*** that it’s difficult to quantify what “progress” really looks like. Fighting information operati*** doesn’t resolve down neatly to a handful of metrics that you can nudge up or down over time. It’s impossible for me to identify the goal posts that, if Facebook could only kick the ball through, would lead most of its critics to agree that the platform had been “fixed.”






First, continue making progress on the major social issues facing the internet and our company.

Second, build new experiences that meaningfully improve people’s lives today and set the stage for even bigger improvements in the future.

Third, keep building our business by supporting the milli*** of businesses — mostly **all businesses — that rely on our services to grow and create jobs.

And fourth, communicate more transparently about what we’re doing and the role our services play in the world.



Rob Price也与一些前员工进行了交谈:

”This will definitely change things. Most teams at Facebook make decisi*** based on running tests and measuring how it affects metrics,” one source said. “If you take that away, it changes everything.”

But, they cautioned, the difficulty in measuring impact could have negative knock-on effects on company culture. “I suspect this will be a feeding ground for politics and infighting unless it comes with some sort of additional empirical rubric. If it’s just he said vs she said that’s a very different conversation and more of a political skill.”





Vox Media的《深水区》

随着时事通讯的发展,我想到了两件事:(1)播客听起来像什么?(2)现场活动会是什么样子?我很高兴地说,下个月我将在奥斯汀西南偏南地区同时尝试这两种想法。在单独的会议中,我将采访亚历克斯·斯塔莫斯(Alex Stamos),他是Facebook口若悬河的前安全主管,以及克雷格·纽马克(Craig Newmark),他是Craigslist的联合创始人,也是一位致力于新闻事业的慈善家。这是由Verge的母公司Vox Media组织的为期三天的活动Deep End的一部分。





The ability of a local legislator to block the deal to bring a major new Amazon campus to Long Island City was exactly what Mr. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio had tried to avoid when they decided to use a state development process and to bypass more onerous city rules. Opposition, while vocal, seemed futile.

But now, with the insistence of Senate Democrats on appointing Mr. Gianaris to the little-known Public Authorities Control Board, those who want to stop Amazon from coming to Queens have gotten their most tangible boost yet. The board will have to decide on the development plan for Amazon, Mr. Cuomo has said, and could veto it.


Manish Singh参加了WhatsApp的一次会议,WhatsApp向记者讲述了其取缔坏演员的努力:

Overall, WhatsApp bans about 2 million accounts on its platform each month, a spokesperson said. To address this issue, a machine learning system uses learnings from the company’s past dealings with problematic accounts and from specific scenarios engineers followed when taking down accounts, said Matt Jones, a software engineer at WhatsApp. This machine learning system has reached a level of sophistication that allows it to ban 20 percent of bad accounts at the time of registration, according to the company.

In terms of overall flags, Jones said WhatsApp looks at various factors, including the user’s IP address and the country of origination for phone numbers used to sign up for the service (and whether both are pointing to the same location), how old the account is, and whether that account started sending a lot of texts as soon as it was created. Seventy-five percent of the 2 million accounts WhatsApp bans in a month are handled without human intervention or a report filed by a user, said Carl Woog, a spokesperson for WhatsApp.



Agence France-Presse is extending its fact-checking deal with Facebook to counter fake news in Arabic, it said Wednesday.

The new contract means that AFP, one of the world’s big three news agencies, will extend its worldwide network of fact-checkers – which is already up and running across 16 countries in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.


朱莉娅·雷达(Julia Reda)报告说,在德国显然与法国达成协议后,欧盟让大型科技平台安装严格的上传过滤器以防止任何版权内容传播的努力比一周前更接近成为现实:

Most likely, Germany’s and France’s compromise will be rubber-stamped by the Council on Friday, 8 February, and then a final trilogue negotiation will take place with the Parliament on Monday, 11 February.

MEPs, most of whom are fighting for reelection, will get one final say. Last September, a narrow majority for Article 13 could only be found in the Parliament after a **all business exception was included that was much stronger than the foul deal France and Germany are now proposing – but there’s unfortunately no reason to believe that Parliament negotiator Axel Voss will stand his ground and insist on this point in trialogue. Instead, it will come down to the final vote in the plenary in March or April, where all MEPs have a say.



YouTube is attempting to draw a line between series like Dawson’s, which don’t explicitly present c***piracies as fact, and shows like Infowars, which promoted the PizzaGate c***piracy theory as truth. But in doing so, it allows for a broad gray area where popular videos can present c***piracy theories as possibilities without being penalized.

Dawson knew he was walking the line with both YouTube and advertisers when posting his video. He told commentator Philip DeFranco that he expected his video to be demonetized because it “wasn’t gonna be brand friendly” for advertisers. In the video, he also includes a brief disclaimer — moments after saying the iPhone spying theory is real — that “these are all just theories, none of them are facts, and they’re not meant to hurt any one or any company.”


简·利特维年科(Jane Lytvynenko)报道了在推特上传播的一张图片,该图片歪曲了国会中穿着白色衣服纪念选举权运动的妇女是三K党成员。这很难看,但对我来说,这似乎是一个相当明确的模仿案例——尽管正如故事所指出的,Twitter的政策禁止描绘与仇恨言论相关的符号。

Twitter is allowing an altered photo comparing women members of Congress who wore white to the State of the Union to the KKK to continue to circulate on its platform on Wednesday despite its own policy that doesn’t allow “symbols historically associated with hate groups.”

Members of Congress — mostly Democratic women — wore white clothing on Tuesday night to honor the suffragist movement. The image, which first aired on the far-right c***piracy outlet Infowars, photoshopped white Klan-style hoods on the women. Its most popular iteration was spread on Twitter by radio host Mark Simone to his 175,000 followers. It was also shared by Katrina Pierson, a former Trump spokesperson who is a senior adviser to the president’s reelection campaign, and by Ann Coulter.



卡琳·马鲁尼(Caryn Marooney)是Facebook的首席通信主管之一,八年后即将离开公司。多年来,我一直很喜欢与卡琳共事,我怀疑当她准备好重新投入这场斗争时,她会有很大的需求。


Paris Martineau和Louise Matsakis列出了所有已知的Facebook产品和部门,试图回答标题问题。答案是有很多不同的东西!


Nico Grant报道了Cambridge Analytica的一个有趣的下游效应:Oracle的广告软件业务正在苦苦挣扎,因为Facebook在丑闻发生后关闭了合作伙伴API:

Before the Cambridge story broke, it wasn’t uncommon for Oracle account managers to do 40 percent of their business on Facebook, says one of the former staffers. So while Oracle tried to get Facebook workarounds in place, account managers scrambled to push clients toward Twitter, Pinterest, and other alternatives that at least kept them spending money, that person says. At the same time, the list of companies supplying Oracle with profile data fell by as much as half, they say, because many of those companies couldn’t comply with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation ahead of its enforcement deadline last May.




谷歌一直在向那些向第三方付费以确保其广告不会出现在糟糕的YouTube视频上的品牌进行补偿。劳伦·约翰逊(Lauren Johnson)报道说,有迹象表明,该公司认为其已基本解决了品牌安全问题,并已停止报销。


Ashley Carman报告说Tinder仍显示出令人印象深刻的增长:

Match Group, Tinder’s parent company, announced its fourth quarter earnings today, in which it disclosed that Tinder added 1.2 million subscribers last year alone. That surge led the brand to close the year out with $805 million in revenue.

That’s nearly as much as what the rest of Match’s dating brands, which include Match.com and OkCupid, pull in combined at $872 million. Match says most of Tinder’s revenue growth is thanks to Tinder Gold, which gives members certain limited features like more Super Likes per day, the ability to swipe around the world, and insight into who’s already liked them.


贝特西·莫里斯(Betsy Morris)在平台上推出付费游戏后的几周内介绍了群组视频聊天应用Houseparty:

When users play “Heads Up!” through Houseparty, they get the first three games free. After that, games cost 99 cents each. In its first two weeks, the game was played nearly four million times. One user has played the game 266 times.

Houseparty now plans to add more games to the app and develop other offerings based on shared interests or experiences, like cooking, crafting, fitness, wellness and homework. The idea is to be less like ad-supported models like Facebook and Snap Inc., and more similar to the popular video game Fortnite, where users spend hours hanging out and make purchases that accentuate the experience.


我喜欢奥利维亚·卡维尔(Olivia Carville)的这个故事,这个故事讲述了三个由囚犯和为囚犯开发的应用程序,这些应用程序可以让他们更轻松地接收来自外部亲人的照片和消息,并帮助他们与外部世界保持联系:

Pigeonly is one of at least three apps—all launched by ex-c***—that are revolutionizing communicati*** between prisoners and their loved ones. Even as the outside world has embraced texting, video chats and social media, U.S. pris*** have largely remained technological dead zones, where inmates typically wait in line and pay to use antiquated computers running stripped-down email services. The trio of apps are slowly but surely disrupting a prison communicati*** industry dominated by a handful of companies with little incentive to cut prices or boost services for the 2.3 million people behind bars.


Oculus Go色情版预装剪辑上市


The X-rated Oculus Go headsets sell for $300, which is $100 more than what the base Oculus Go model costs at retail. For that surcharge, buyers get access to dozens of clips from the company’s BadoinkVR, BabeVR, VRCosplayX, and 18VR franchises.

Access to the videos is being offered with a pre-installed app that can be secured with a private PIN, and Badoink promises to frequently update the content made available to buyers. A spokesperson said the company is also working on a subscription option to make additional content available, but this feature won’t be included at launch.




萨利·哈伯德说,联邦贸易委员会应该介入,阻止Facebook统一技术基础设施Instagram、WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger:

The integration Mr. Zuckerberg plans would immunize Facebook’s monopoly power from attack. It would make breaking Instagram and WhatsApp off as independent and viable compe*****s much harder, and thus demands speedy action by the government before it’s too late to take the pieces apart. Mr. Zuckerberg might be betting that he can integrate these three applicati*** faster than any antitrust case could proceed — and he would be right, because antitrust cases take years.

Luckily, the F.T.C. has a way to act quickly. Prompted by the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the agency has been investigating Facebook for violating that 2011 c***ent decree, which required it, among other things, to not misrepresent its handling of user information and to create a comprehensive privacy program. The F.T.C. can demand Facebook stop the integration as one of the conditi*** for settling any charges related to the c***ent decree, rather than just imposing an inc***equential fine.


希拉·奥维德(Shira Ovide)认为,Snap仍存在一些根本性问题,这些问题应取代投资者对其损失放缓的热情:

Those kinds of investments seem to clash with another of Spiegel’s declared “stretch goals” — to generate profits this year. “Profits” are a relative term for Snap, which continues to bleed cash and will for as far as the eye can see. An improvement in free cash flow, for example, meant that “only” 69 cents of cash was incinerated for each dollar of sales in 2018. Progress is relative, but Snap is showing it may someday be a business that can stand on its own two feet.




The free app works with the Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator, a $4,000 appliance with a touchscreen on the door that you can use to view the family’s schedule, and an ingredient-tracking camera that lets you double-check whether you’re out of milk. With the app, you take a photo of the inside of your fridge to share, and you can swipe right or left based on how the contents of someone else’s speak to you. Never fear, though, you can also just take a photo with your phone if you don’t have the Family Hub.



向我发送提示、评论、问题和季度奖金:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 19:40
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...sation)和福利(benefits)的区别 薪酬和福利构成了一个组织中员工的薪酬组合,是完成工作的主要动力。公司必须提供一个有吸引力的薪酬方案,包括财务和非财务因素,以吸引称职的员工。薪酬和福利之间的关键区别在于,薪酬是...

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Facebook正在改变新闻提要,关注来自家人和朋友的帖子,而不是来自页面和品牌的帖子。社交网络也在尝试发起更有意义的社交互动,这种互动将超越观看视频等更被动的活动。 ...

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...埃森哲(Accenture)聘用的、总部位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀的Facebook版主将被迫于10月12日返回办公室。 据多位熟悉埃森哲计划的人士透露,雇员们(几乎都是承包商)今天在公司范围内的市政厅会议上接受了新政策的指...

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...字母表公司旗下的医疗保健公司Verily Life Sciences暂停发放员工奖金。这些资金将被用于资助多元化和包容性的举措。这一举动让工人们感到沮丧,他们中的许多人都在公司的COVID-19测试项目上工作了数小时。 在一封由b...

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Facebook周一发布了一份新的报告,详细说明了它如何结合人工智能和人类事实核查员和版主来执行其社区标准。这份名为《社区标准执行报告》(Community Standards Enforcement report)的报告通常包含了前三到六个月的数据和调查结果...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 07:44
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  • 发布于 2021-04-28 08:42
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Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)发现,身份不明的员工最近在Facebook总部的墙上划掉了“黑人生活大事”,取而代之的是“所有人的生活大事”,这让他不得不责骂自己的员工多次。Gizmodo获得了一份由扎克伯格...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-23 12:55
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